What is LIGASANO®?
LIGASANO® is a very effective PUR foam dressing that has been used in medicine for over 30 years.
Wound cleaning, wound treatment and prevention all in one. The wound dressing for all stages of wound healing with simultaneous prevention of the surrounding tissue - or even before positioning and prophylaxis of endangered skin areas.
LIGASANO® is used in many different applications:
LIGASANO® white for wound cleaning, wound treatment and relapse prevention

wound cleaning (mechanical debridement)
wound treatment
leg ulcers
pressure ulcers
diabetic foot lesions
rapidly falling pressure tension
mechanical stimulus
controlled suction, exudate management
High water vapour permeability
mean cell size
mixed pores (open, semi-open and closed pores)
LIGASANO® orange for wound cleaning, NPWT and relapse prevention

wound cleaning (mechanical debridement)
moderate mechanical stimulus
nearly complete permeable to liquid and steam
coarse cell
open pores
LIGASANO® green for wound cleaning, NPWT and prevention

wound cleaning / mechanical debridement
prevention (Cave: skin contact only limited)
positioning (Cave: skin contact only limited)
strong mechanical stimulus
nearly complete permeable to liquid
Very high water vapour permeability
coarse cell
open pores
Effective dressing material with history

LIGASANO® white, LIGASANO® orange and LIGASANO® green are foamed polyurethanes of the new generation. The origins of polyurethanes go back to the middle of the last century. The basic chemical reaction was discovered as early as 1848 by the chemist Würtz. However, the significance of this process was not recognized until much later (in the 20th century) and was taken up again by Otto Bayer in Leverkusen in 1937.
His determined research made it possible to bring rigid polyester foam onto the market first, then flexible polyester foam and, after about 20 years of work, polyether foam. These plastics were given the collective name polyurethane (PUR) and developed into one of the most universal materials ever.
Source: Verband der Polyurethan-Weichschaum-Industrie e.V. (Association of the Polyurethane Flexible Foam Industry)
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Weber, at that time head physician at the Dermatology Clinic in Nuremberg, a foam was developed for medical use, which was given the name LIGASANO®.
This designation without further additive referred to the product, which is known today as "LIGASANO® white". The additional indication "white" refers to the colour of the material and became necessary because the material, which in the past was offered under the name "Grünes Klimagitter®", is now offered under the name "LIGASANO® green". The impetus for the development of LIGASANO® green, as with LIGASANO® white, came from medical and nursing practice.
In order to heal pressure ulcers, it is absolutely necessary to relieve the pressure on the wound area in addition to local wound treatment. As already described in an article by Gerhard Weber and Karl-Heinz Galli in the specialist journal "Deutsches Ärzteblatt" from 1980, LIGASANO® also performs this task with excellent results.