sterile und non-sterile


Sterile wound dressings, wound filler, cavity dressings and wound cleaning sponges

LIGASANO® white sterile

LIGASANO® white is a therapeutically effective PUR foam dressing with a wide range of applications:

Wound cleaning

Wound treatment


LIGASANO® white can be used for all wound types and wound stages

Skin-deep wound (up to a depth of 0.5 cm)
Deep wound
Undermined deep wound
Deep wound with narrow opening / fistulae

The therapeutic benefit is essentially based on three physical principles:

The rapidly falling pressure-tension of LIGASANO® white reduces the pressure on the wound, promotes granulation and additionally reduces the counter-pressure on the new generated granulation.

The mechanical stimulus (that means the structure of the dressing is sensed by the tissue) promotes the local blood flow and thus activates self-cleaning.

Because only surplus exudate is absorbed (controlled suction effect, exudate management), LIGASANO® white does not dry out the wound. Depending on its thickness, an intermittent under-pressure is generated.

Information on the use of LIGASANO® white


If the wound allows a discharge of secretion, it can be treated directly with LIGASANO® white without any pre-treatment.


Fill the wound completely with LIGASANO® white. Make sure that there is contact everywhere in the wound, including at the wound edges.

Any pockets will also be filled in. Then the wound is covered with another piece of LIGASANO® white, overlapping the wound edges by at least 1-2 cm.

A large plate of LIGASANO® white is placed on top to treat the wound environment.

Bandage thickness:

The treatment with LIGASANO® white must also be at least 2 cm thick for flat wounds, measured from the wound bed.

For all other wounds, the dressing thickness must be correspondingly thicker. Rule of thumb: The larger the area of the surrounding wound treatment, the better the effect.

The fixation must always be open to air. Fixing panties, tubular bandages or preferably LIGAMED®Fix are well suited.

How often?

Dressing change intervals: 1x daily to 1x every three days, but at the latest when the first secretion point becomes visible on the outside of LIGASANO® white.

In the case of heavily weeping wounds during the cleaning phase, this can also occur several times a day.


Important information about LIGASANO white® (click here)

What do you always have to consider in all applications?

The application must always be carried out by the physician or by medically/nursally trained representatives.

What are the different dosage forms?

LIGASANO® white is available in various versions (e.g. sheets, OP table sheets, compresses, wound strips), in sterile or non-sterile form depending on the area of application. When sterilizing on site, please note the possible risks, such as severe contamination.

Please refer to the current product list for the available dosages.

How to store it:

LIGASANO® white is highly flammable and sensitive to UV radiation. Therefore protect against open fire, embers, heat, UV radiation and moisture. In the original packaging, there is limited protection against moisture and UV rays thanks to the UV filter film we use. Storage is only permitted in the original packaging. LIGASANO® white may change colour to yellow. This does not imply any limitation of quality.

Disposal / environmental relevance:

LIGAMED® medical Produkte GmbH maintains a certified quality management system for medical products. In addition, it also demonstrates environmental awareness through validation in accordance with the EC Regulation (EMAS) and participation in the "Umweltpakt Bayern" (Bavarian Environmental Pact). We will be happy to send you our current certificates on request. All LIGASANO® products are single-material materials, consist of more than 97% air and can be disposed of as household waste. The disposal of packaging is regulated differently internationally, in Germany by Reclay VfW GmbH.

white sterile

Product list LIGASANO®

Sterile wound dressings and wound filler

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15341-010 15341 111725124978 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm
15341-040 15341 111725125544 40 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm
15342-010 15342 111725126110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

LIGASANO white sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm

111725127800 15 pieces - dispenser box 5 x 5 x 2 cm
15346-010 15346 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725129029 10 pieces 10 x 10 x 1 cm

15346-020 dispenser box

111725130947 20 pieces - dispenser box 10 x 10 x 1 cm
15346-200 15346 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725131513 200 pieces 10 x 10 x 1 cm

15347 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725132176 10 pieces 10 x 10 x 2 cm
15350-015 15350 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725133866 15 pieces 15 x 10 x 0,5 cm
15350-030 15350 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725134432 30 pieces 15 x 10 x 0,5 cm
15351-010 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725135095 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15351-020 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725136785 20 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15351-140 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725137351 140 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15356-010 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725145673 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
15352-010 15352 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725140401 10 pieces 24 x 16 x 1 cm
15357-005 15357 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725146239 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm
15360-010 15360 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725147929 10 pieces 29,5 x 24,5 x 1 cm


Round compresses

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15385-010 15385 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725162883 10 pieces Ø 5 x 1 cm


Compress with slot

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725112047 20 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725113737 20 pieces 7,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725116656 20 pieces 10 x 10 x 1cm


Sterile Wound Strips / Cavity Bandages

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15370 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725148592 8 pieces 300 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725151642 7 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725152208 14 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725153995 28 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

Art. 15372 Mikro Wundband aus LIGASANO weiß

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111725154561 10 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

Art. 15372 Mikro Wundband aus LIGASANO weiß

111725155127 28 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm
15375-010 15375 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725156817 10 pieces 6 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm
15375-060 15375 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725157480 60 pieces 6 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm


Sterile bandages and mini bandages

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Shipping unit Size


111725158046 30 pieces - Mini bandage 30 x 5 x 0,3 cm


111725160530 8 pieces - Bandage 5 cm wide 300 x 5 x 0,3 cm
15383-004 15383-004 111725161193 4 pieces - Bandages 10 cm wide 300 x 10 x 0,3 cm


Dressing for Fingers and Toes sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15394 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725169287 15 pieces 14 x 10 x 0,5 cm T-shape dressing for toes, with adhesive stripe
for toe diameter from 1.0 to 3.8 cm


Tube for toes sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15391 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725164015 12 pieces Ø 3,5 / Ø 2,5 x 6 cm

15392 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725165705 12 pieces Ø 2,5 / Ø 1,5 x 6 cm

15391 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725166368 12 pieces Ø 1,5 x 6 cm


Sterile Dressing for Hallux valgus

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size


15395 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725170081 4 pieces Ø 4,5 / Ø 4,0 x 12 cm


Dressing for Heels, sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15330 LIGASANO weiß Fersenverband unsteril

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111725123288 10 pieces Ø 20 x 1 cm


LIGASANO® white non-sterile

LIGASANO® white is a therapeutically effective PUR foam dressing with a wide range of applications.

Wound accom­panying treatment

Supports wound healing

Secondary wound dressing

Targeted and controlled absorbency of the exudate


Nearly even distribution of the contact pressure


Avoidance of pressure peaks


Pressure relief through pressure distribution

Inter­trigoprophy­laxis and -therapy

Sweat is absorbed - for normal skin moisture

Re­lapse pre­vention

A further pressure ulcer risk is effectively prevented

Intensive care

Avoidance of pressure ulcers in intensive care areas.

The therapeutic benefit is essentially based on three physical principles:

LIGASANO® white's rapidly falling pressure tension ensures anatomical adaptation to body contours. The dreaded pressure points are avoided by an almost even distribution of the contact pressure. LIGASANO® white is easy to cut to size. This results in adapted positioning aids such as rolls, wedges, heel shoes, etc.

The mechanical stimulus of LIGASANO® white promotes the local blood flow in skin contact and increases the patient's resistance to pressure. Sweat is absorbed, resulting in normal skin moisture and, in combination with the mechanical stimulus, skin care.

The controlled absorbency effectively counteracts maceration of the skin. The preservation of the physiological skin environment is supported.

In bedridden patients and when joints are immobilised, contracture (stiffening of the joint) and muscular atrophy (shrinkage of the musculature) can develop.

Patients with inflammatory or degenerative joint diseases are particularly at risk, as are patients whose joints have been immobilised, e.g. due to a posture of protection, paralysis or weakness. Measures to maintain an intact musculoskeletal system and functional joints include movement exercises, mobilisation and suitable positioning.

Attention: The intertrigo is often confused with a decubitus, especially in the buttock area!

Important notes on LIGASANO® white

What do you always have to consider in all applications?

The application must always be carried out by the physician or by medically/nursally trained representatives.

What are the different dosage forms?

LIGASANO® white is available in various versions (e.g. sheets, OP table sheets, compresses, wound strips), in sterile or non-sterile form depending on the area of application. When sterilizing on site, please note the possible risks, such as severe contamination.

Please refer to the current product list for the available dosages.

How to store it:

LIGASANO® white is highly flammable and sensitive to UV radiation. Therefore protect against open fire, embers, heat, UV radiation and moisture. In the original packaging, there is limited protection against moisture and UV rays thanks to the UV filter film we use. Storage is only permitted in the original packaging. LIGASANO® white may change colour to yellow. This does not imply any limitation of quality.

Disposal / environmental relevance:

LIGAMED® medical Produkte GmbH maintains a certified quality management system for medical products. In addition, it also demonstrates environmental awareness through validation in accordance with the EC Regulation (EMAS) and participation in the "Umweltpakt Bayern" (Bavarian Environmental Pact). We will be happy to send you our current certificates on request. All LIGASANO® products are single-material materials, consist of more than 97% air and can be disposed of as household waste. The disposal of packaging is regulated differently internationally, in Germany by Reclay VfW GmbH.

white non-sterile

Product list LIGASANO®

Non-sterile dressing material, smaller sheets

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15151 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

110163293793 10 pieces 15 x 15 x 1 cm

15152 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725107768 10 pieces 24 x 16 x 1 cm

15153 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725108334 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm

15158 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725110818 13 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm

15008 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725083015 104 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm

15159 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725111481 26 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

15009 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725084705 208 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

15063 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725090771 20 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm


Non-sterile dressing material, large sheets

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001

111725062320 2 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12001-007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001 111725064673 7 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12001-028 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001 111725065239 28 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12002-004 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12002 111725066929 4 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12002-014 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12002 111725067592 14 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12002-056 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12003 111725068158 56 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12003-025 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12003 111725069848 25 pieces 59 x 49 x 0,5 cm
12006-001 12007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725071208 1 pieces 200 x 100 x 2 cm
12007-002 12007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725072995 2 pieces 200 x 100 x 1 cm
13004-005 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 13004 111725075817 5 pieces 59 x 98 x 2 cm
13004-020 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 13004 111725077046 20 pieces 59 x 98 x 2 cm


Bandages, non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15571-012 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Binde 15571 111725171771 12 pieces 300 x 5 x 0,3 cm
15573-006 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Binde 15573 111725174690 6 pieces 300 x 10 x 0,3 cm


Non-sterile dressing material for special applications

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Zehenschlauch 15070

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111725094256 12 pieces 6 x 3,5 / 2,5 x 0,5 cm
tube for toes

15215 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725118912 1 piece 200 x 14 x 0,5 cm, rolled, can cut to fit, with adhesive stripe,
for ca. 40-50 tubes for toes

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111725119575 1 piece 200 x 4,5 x 0,4 cm, can cut to fit, with adhesive stripe,
for padding both thicker and thinner hoses, catheters and tubes

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

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111725095946 2 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

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111725096512 6 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

learn more

111725097175 24 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

15078 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725098865 12 pieces Ø 2,5 x 12 cm,
Dressing for hammer toe

15030 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Fersenverband

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111725087624 10 pieces Dressing for heels,
Ø 20 x 2 cm
19100-002 19100 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725200706 2 pieces Ø 15 x 8 / 5 cm,
15072-018 Ear bandage with a punched-out ear opening, foldable 111752685871 18 pieces 20 x 10 x 1 cm
Ear bandage with a punched-out ear opening, foldable
15217-010 Spiral Bandage 111804476512 10 pieces

Ø 1,6 cm, length 12 cm
Spiral bandage

15218-009 Spiral Bandage 111804475946 9 pieces Ø 2,5 cm, length 12 cm
Spiral bandage


LIGASANO® Roll: Dispenser boxes

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15025-001 15025 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725085368 1 piece 200 x 2,5 x 1 cm
15225-001 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725120369 1 piece 300 x 2,5 x 0,6 cm
15050-001 15050 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725088287 1 piece 300 x 5,0 x 0,3 cm
15055-001 15055 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725089977 1 piece 200 x 5,5 x 1 cm
15255-001 15255 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725122625 1 piece 300 x 5,5 x 0,6 cm
15110-001 15110 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725105415 1 piece 200 x 11 x 1 cm
15210-001 LIGASANO Roll weiß unsteril 15210 111725117222 1 piece 300 x 11 x 0,6 cm