

Product list


Sterile wound dressings and wound filler

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15341-010 15341 111725124978 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm
15341-040 15341 111725125544 40 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm
15342-010 15342 111725126110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

LIGASANO white sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm

111725127800 15 pieces - dispenser box 5 x 5 x 2 cm
15346-010 15346 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725129029 10 pieces 10 x 10 x 1 cm

15346-020 dispenser box

111725130947 20 pieces - dispenser box 10 x 10 x 1 cm
15346-200 15346 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725131513 200 pieces 10 x 10 x 1 cm

15347 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725132176 10 pieces 10 x 10 x 2 cm
15350-015 15350 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725133866 15 pieces 15 x 10 x 0,5 cm
15350-030 15350 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725134432 30 pieces 15 x 10 x 0,5 cm
15351-010 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725135095 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15351-020 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725136785 20 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15351-140 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725137351 140 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm
15356-010 15351 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725145673 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
15352-010 15352 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725140401 10 pieces 24 x 16 x 1 cm
15357-005 15357 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725146239 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm
15360-010 15360 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725147929 10 pieces 29,5 x 24,5 x 1 cm


Round compresses

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15385-010 15385 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725162883 10 pieces Ø 5 x 1 cm


Compress with slot

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725112047 20 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725113737 20 pieces 7,5 x 7,5 x 1 cm

15165 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725116656 20 pieces 10 x 10 x 1cm


Sterile Wound Strips / Cavity Bandages

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15370 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725148592 8 pieces 300 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725151642 7 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725152208 14 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

15371 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725153995 28 pieces 100 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

Art. 15372 Mikro Wundband aus LIGASANO weiß

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111725154561 10 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm

Art. 15372 Mikro Wundband aus LIGASANO weiß

111725155127 28 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm
15375-010 15375 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725156817 10 pieces 6 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm
15375-060 15375 LIGASANO weiß steril 111725157480 60 pieces 6 x 2,5 x 0,4 cm


Sterile bandages and mini bandages

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Shipping unit Size


111725158046 30 pieces - Mini bandage 30 x 5 x 0,3 cm


111725160530 8 pieces - Bandage 5 cm wide 300 x 5 x 0,3 cm
15383-004 15383-004 111725161193 4 pieces - Bandages 10 cm wide 300 x 10 x 0,3 cm


Dressing for Fingers and Toes sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15394 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725169287 15 pieces 14 x 10 x 0,5 cm T-shape dressing for toes, with adhesive stripe
for toe diameter from 1.0 to 3.8 cm


Tube for toes sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15391 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725164015 12 pieces Ø 3,5 / Ø 2,5 x 6 cm

15392 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725165705 12 pieces Ø 2,5 / Ø 1,5 x 6 cm

15391 LIGASANO weiß steril

111725166368 12 pieces Ø 1,5 x 6 cm


Sterile Dressing for Hallux valgus

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size


15395 LIGASANO weiß steril

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111725170081 4 pieces Ø 4,5 / Ø 4,0 x 12 cm


Dressing for Heels, sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15330 LIGASANO weiß Fersenverband unsteril

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111725123288 10 pieces Ø 20 x 1 cm


Non-sterile dressing material, smaller sheets

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

15151 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

110163293793 10 pieces 15 x 15 x 1 cm

15152 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725107768 10 pieces 24 x 16 x 1 cm

15153 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725108334 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm

15158 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725110818 13 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm

15008 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725083015 104 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm

15159 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725111481 26 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

15009 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

111725084705 208 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

15063 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725090771 20 pieces 5 x 5 x 1 cm


Non-sterile dressing material, large sheets

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001

111725062320 2 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12001-007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001 111725064673 7 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12001-028 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12001 111725065239 28 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm
12002-004 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12002 111725066929 4 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12002-014 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12002 111725067592 14 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12002-056 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12003 111725068158 56 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm
12003-025 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 12003 111725069848 25 pieces 59 x 49 x 0,5 cm
12006-001 12007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725071208 1 pieces 200 x 100 x 2 cm
12007-002 12007 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725072995 2 pieces 200 x 100 x 1 cm
13004-005 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 13004 111725075817 5 pieces 59 x 98 x 2 cm
13004-020 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 13004 111725077046 20 pieces 59 x 98 x 2 cm


Bandages, non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15571-012 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Binde 15571 111725171771 12 pieces 300 x 5 x 0,3 cm
15573-006 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Binde 15573 111725174690 6 pieces 300 x 10 x 0,3 cm


Non-sterile dressing material for special applications

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Zehenschlauch 15070

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111725094256 12 pieces 6 x 3,5 / 2,5 x 0,5 cm
tube for toes

15215 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725118912 1 piece 200 x 14 x 0,5 cm, rolled, can cut to fit, with adhesive stripe,
for ca. 40-50 tubes for toes

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111725119575 1 piece 200 x 4,5 x 0,4 cm, can cut to fit, with adhesive stripe,
for padding both thicker and thinner hoses, catheters and tubes

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

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111725095946 2 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

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111725096512 6 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

LIGASANO weiß unsteril Hallux Großzehenverband

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111725097175 24 pieces Ø 4,5 / 4,0 x 14 cm,
Dressing for hallux valgus- and big toe

15078 LIGASANO weiß unsteril

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111725098865 12 pieces Ø 2,5 x 12 cm,
Dressing for hammer toe

15030 LIGASANO weiß unsteril Fersenverband

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111725087624 10 pieces Dressing for heels,
Ø 20 x 2 cm
19100-002 19100 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725200706 2 pieces Ø 15 x 8 / 5 cm,
15072-018 Ear bandage with a punched-out ear opening, foldable 111752685871 18 pieces 20 x 10 x 1 cm
Ear bandage with a punched-out ear opening, foldable
15217-010 Spiral Bandage 111804476512 10 pieces

Ø 1,6 cm, length 12 cm
Spiral bandage

15218-009 Spiral Bandage 111804475946 9 pieces Ø 2,5 cm, length 12 cm
Spiral bandage


LIGASANO® Roll: Dispenser boxes

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
15025-001 15025 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725085368 1 piece 200 x 2,5 x 1 cm
15225-001 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725120369 1 piece 300 x 2,5 x 0,6 cm
15050-001 15050 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725088287 1 piece 300 x 5,0 x 0,3 cm
15055-001 15055 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725089977 1 piece 200 x 5,5 x 1 cm
15255-001 15255 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725122625 1 piece 300 x 5,5 x 0,6 cm
15110-001 15110 LIGASANO weiß unsteril 111725105415 1 piece 200 x 11 x 1 cm
15210-001 LIGASANO Roll weiß unsteril 15210 111725117222 1 piece 300 x 11 x 0,6 cm


LIGASANO® green / orange

LIGASANO® green/orange sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

16814 LIGASANO grün

111725184144 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

LIGASANO green sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm

111725185834 5 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
16814-030 16814 LIGASANO grün 111725186400 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
16815-010 LIGASANO grün steril 16815 111725187063 10 pieces 15 x 5 x 0,6 cm

16816 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725188753 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

16816 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725189319 20 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

16817 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725191803 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
16820-005 16820 LIGASANO grün steril 111725193032 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm

16865 LIGASANO grün steril Wundband

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111725199994 10 pieces 200 x 2 x 0,6 cm

16812 LIGASANO grün steril Wundband mini

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111725182915 10 pieces 30x 1,5 x 0,6 cm
36814-010 36814 LIGASANO orange steril 111725207110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
36814-015 LIGASANO orange sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm 111725208800 15 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
36814-030 36814 LIGASANO orange steril 111725209463 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

36817 LIGASANO orange steril

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111725213176 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
36812-010 36812 LIGASANO orange steril Wundband mini 111725204288 10 pieces 30 x 1,5 x 0,6 cm


LIGASANO® green non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
16001-002 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725175256 2 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm
16001-007 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725176946 7 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm
16001-028 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725177512 28 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm

16006 LIGASANO grün unsteril

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111725178175 1 piece 190 x 90 x 2 cm
16210-002 16210 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725181225 2 pieces 49 x 49 x 9/1 cm


LIGASANO® roll dispenser box

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
16110-001 16110 LIGASANO grün unsteril LIGASANO Roll Spenderbox 111725180659 1 piece 200 x 11 x 1 cm


LIGASANO® orange non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

36120 LIGASANO orange unsteril Positionierwürfel

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4031463361205 4 pieces of positioning cubes 12 x 12 x 12 cm

36121 LIGASANO orange unsteril Positionierwürfel

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4031463361212 2 pieces of positioning cubes 24 x 12 x 12 cm


LIGASANO® Omega-pad / Trapezoid-cushion

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

Omega Polster

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1 piece LIGASANO® orange omega pad,
5-fold adjustable

5 pieces LIGASANO® white Skin contact pads


trapezoid cushion dressing


1 piece of LIGASANO® orange non-sterile trapezoid cushion dressing,
adjustable in height and head circumference

5 pieces LIGASANO® white Skin contact pads



LIGASANO® wound cleaning sponges

LIGASANO® wound cleaning sponges

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size Sterility Product line
16814-010 16814 LIGASANO grün steril Wundputzer 111725184144 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile green
16814-015 16814 LIGASANO grün steril Wundputzer 111725185834 15 pieces box 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile green
16814-030 16814 LIGASANO grün steril Wundputzer 111725186400 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile green
16815-010 111725187063 10 pieces 15 x 5 x 0,6 cm sterile green
36814-010 36814 LIGASANO orange steril Wundputzer 111725207110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile orange
36814-015 36814 LIGASANO orange steril Wundputzer 111725208800 15 pieces box 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile orange
36814-030 36814 LIGASANO orange steril Wundputzer 111725209463 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile orange
15342-010 15342 LIGASANO weiß steril Wundputzer 111725126110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile white
15342-015 15342 LIGASANO weiß steril Wundputzer 111725127800 15 pieces box 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile white
15342-030 15342 LIGASANO weiß steril Wundputzer 111725128463 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile white
36815-005 36815 LIGASANO grün orange weiß steril Wundputzer trio 111725212513 5 x 3 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm sterile green / orange / white


LIGASANO® wound cleaning sponges interdigital

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size Sterility Product line
16812-010 111725182915 10 pieces 30 x 1,5 x 0,6 cm
Wound cleaning sponges interdigital intensive
sterile green
36812-010 36812 LIGASANO orange steril Wundputzer interdigital 111725204288 10 pieces 30 x 1,5 x 0,6 cm
Wound cleaning sponges interdigital medium
sterile orange
15372-010 15372 LIGASANO weiß steril Wundputzer interdigital 111725154561 10 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm
Wound cleaning sponges interdigital soft
sterile white
15372-028 15372 LIGASANO weiß steril Wundputzer interdigital 111725155127 20 pieces 50 x 1,5 x 0,4 cm
Wound cleaning sponges interdigital soft
sterile white


LIGASANO® Mix packs

LIGASANO® Mix packs

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Descrip­tion Ship­ping unit

12014 LIGASANO Starterpackung

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111767495572 Starter pack mini
  • 1 piece 59 x 49 x 2 cm white non-sterile
  • 1 piece 59 x 49 x 1 cm white non-sterile
  • 1 piece 55 x 45 x 2 cm green non-sterile

12014 LIGASANO Starterpackung

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111725073561 Starter pack
  • 2 pieces 59 x 49 x 2 cm white non-sterile
  • 6 pieces 59 x 49 x 1 cm white non-sterile
  • 2 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm green non-sterile

15090 LIGASANO Innenhandverband

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111725101930 Palm dressing
  • 10 pieces 29 x 12 x 1 cm non-sterile palm dressing made of LIGASANO® white
  • 2 pieces 10 cm wide, ø 8 cm non-sterile spiral rolls made of LIGASANO® green

15091 LIGASANO Innenhandverband Nachkaufpackung

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111725102593 Palm dressing replacement package
  • 10 pieces 29 x 12 x 1 cm non-sterile made of LIGASANO® white

15098 LIGASANO Diabetes-Plantarverband

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111725103159 Diabetes plantar dressing
  • 4 pieces 35 x 15 x 1 cm white non-sterile
  • 1 piece 35 x 15 x 2 cm white non-sterile
  • 1 piece 35 x 15 x 2 cm green non-sterile
  • 1 piece fixing stocking

LIGASANO Omega-Polsterverband

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111725203625 Omega-pad
  • 1 piece LIGASANO® orange non-sterile Omega-pad, 5-fold adjustable
  • 5 pieces LIGASANO® white non-sterile skin contact pads 15 x 10 x 1 cm

LIGASANO Omega-Polsterverband

111767494909 Trapezoid-pad
  • 1 piece LIGASANO® orange non-sterile Trapezoid-pad, adjustable
  • 5 pieces LIGASANO® white non-sterile skin contact pads 30 x 12 x 1 cm


LIGASANO® Other products

Other products

Art.-­Nr. Image PZN Ship­ping unit Description

10305 LIGAMED fix - Fixierhilfe

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110080356115 3 pieces LIGAMED® fix - fixing aid
32210-001 32210 LIGAMED Fersenschuh 110467815388 1 piece

Heel shoe, suitable for all foot sizes
(Auxiliary item number in Germany
27,5 x 9 x 18 cm

32211-001 32211 LIGAMED Fersenschuh 111638996842 1 piece Heel shoe, suitable for all foot sizes
(Auxiliary item number in Germany
27,5 x 9 x 23 cm
12000-001 12000 Reißverschluss-Tasche ohne 1 piece Zipper bag 60 x 50 x 14 cm,
for the hygienic and dust-free
storage of LIGASANO® sheets
10433-001 10433 Verbandschere nach Lister ohne 1 piece Scissors (Lister) for dressings, 18 cm, non-sterile,
in tested Stainless quality
10441-001 10441 Pinzette 09192426 1 piece Tweezers, anatomical, 14.5 cm,
in tested Stainless quality non-sterile