sterile und non-steril

LIGASANO® green/orange

Sterile wound dressing and wound filler in the NPWT, wound cleaning sponges

LIGASANO® green and orange sterile

NPWT (Negative-pressure wound therapy / vacuum therapy)

LIGASANO® green and orange are almost unhindered permeable to air and water with a relatively rough surface - a drain of exudate is made possible.

Wound cleaning

As wound cleaning sponges, LIGASANO® green and orange remove relatively tough to stubborn coatings and quickly lead to clean wounds.

How do LIGASANO® green and orange work in wound care?


The mechanical stimulus (i.e. the structure of the dressing is perceived by the tissue) promotes the local blood flow and activates self-cleaning.

Due to its open-cell structure, LIGASANO® green and orange show no sorption behaviour, i.e. a suction source is required for active wound drainage or NPWT.

Due to the open-cell and large-pored structure, viscous exudate and detritus can be easily removed. LIGASANO® green and orange have a largely unhindered water vapour permeability. LIGASANO® may adhere to very slightly wet wounds due to drying exudate.

LIGASANO® green and orange in NPWT / vacuum therapy


LIGASANO® green and orange are used for wound treatment and care when strong, elastic materials with high air and liquid permeability are advantageous. With LIGASANO® green and orange, wounds can be covered or filled. A collapse of wounds caused by external pressure or suction, e.g. active wound drainage or NPWT, is counteracted.


Fill the wound completely with LIGASANO® green or orange. The described open structure enables wound irrigation despite the wound being filled. LIGASANO® green and orange can often be combined with LIGASANO® white. A combination is suitable, for example, if considerable quantities of exudate have to be brought under control that exceed the absorption capacity of LIGASANO® white.

How often?

LIGASANO® green and orange must not remain permanently in the wound or on the body. We recommend a dressing application time of 1-4 days, depending on the indication.

Important notes on LIGASANO® green/orange

What do you always have to consider in all applications?

The surface of LIGASANO® green is relatively rough. When used in wounds or on the skin, injuries can occur, especially under friction.

The application must always be carried out by the physician or by medical/nursing representatives.

What dosage forms are available?

LIGASANO® green is available in various versions (e.g. Sheets, OP table sheets, compresses, wound strips), in sterile or non-sterile form depending on the area of application. Please refer to the current product list for the available dosages.

How to store it:

LIGASANO® green is highly flammable and sensitive to UV radiation. Therefore protect against open fire, embers, heat, UV radiation and moisture. In the original packaging, there is limited protection against moisture and UV rays thanks to the UV filter film we use. Storage is only permitted in the original packaging.

Disposal/environmental relevance:

LIGAMED® medical Produkte GmbH maintains a certified quality management system for medical products. In addition, it also demonstrates environmental awareness through validation according to the EC Regulation (EMAS) and participation in the "Environmental Pact of Bavaria". We will be happy to send you our current certificates on request. All LIGASANO® products are single-material materials, consist of more than 97% air and can be disposed of as household waste. The disposal of packaging is regulated differently internationally, in Germany by Reclay VfW GmbH.

green/orange sterile

Product list LIGASANO®

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

16814 LIGASANO grün

111725184144 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

LIGASANO green sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm

111725185834 5 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
16814-030 16814 LIGASANO grün 111725186400 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
16815-010 LIGASANO grün steril 16815 111725187063 10 pieces 15 x 5 x 0,6 cm

16816 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725188753 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

16816 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725189319 20 pieces 15 x 10 x 1 cm

16817 LIGASANO grün steril

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111725191803 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
16820-005 16820 LIGASANO grün steril 111725193032 5 pieces 24 x 16 x 2 cm

16865 LIGASANO grün steril Wundband

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111725199994 10 pieces 200 x 2 x 0,6 cm

16812 LIGASANO grün steril Wundband mini

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111725182915 10 pieces 30x 1,5 x 0,6 cm
36814-010 36814 LIGASANO orange steril 111725207110 10 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
36814-015 LIGASANO orange sterile dispenser box 5x5x2cm 111725208800 15 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm
36814-030 36814 LIGASANO orange steril 111725209463 30 pieces 5 x 5 x 2 cm

36817 LIGASANO orange steril

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111725213176 10 pieces 15 x 10 x 2 cm
36812-010 36812 LIGASANO orange steril Wundband mini 111725204288 10 pieces 30 x 1,5 x 0,6 cm


Positioning, prevention and relapse prevention

LIGASANO® green and orange non-sterile

Air and liquid permeable

like a sieve. Prevents heat and moisture build-up - while lying and sitting

The ideal addition to LIGASANO® white

enables pressure relief through pressure distribution - LIGASANO® white with skin contact, LIGASANO® green underneath

Special positioning elements

with direct skin contact are available in LIGASANO® orange. Discover our positioning cubes and the Omega pad in our product list.

How do you best use LIGASANO® green and orange preventively?

LIGASANO® green and orange have upholstery properties known from elastic foams, without their often unfavorable thermal insulation properties during care.

Due to the special properties of LIGASANO® green and orange, parts of the body can be ventilated where contact with other objects (e.g. lying or sitting surfaces, backrests, positioning cushions, mattresses, etc.) would otherwise lead to heat accumulation and consequently moisture or wetness accumulation.

Larger quantities of liquid can run off downwards following gravity, moisture (e.g. sweat) can evaporate.

This can effectively prevent maceration of the skin.

With this application of LIGASANO® green, skin contact is avoided because the rough material surface is usually perceived as unpleasant and annoying, and to prevent skin injuries that could result from friction.

As an intermediate layer between the skin and LIGASANO® green you could use:

Stockings, clothing, sheets, etc. and in particular a 0.5 to 1 cm thick layer of LIGASANO® white.

The decisive factor is that the intermediate layer is also permeable to air.

To achieve good pressure relief through pressure distribution, LIGASANO® green can be cut to size using scissors.

There are no special risks when using LIGASANO® green or orange for pressure relief and hygiene without skin contact if the general rules of care and our special instructions are observed.

green/orange non-sterile

Product list LIGASANO®

LIGASANO® green non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
16001-002 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725175256 2 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm
16001-007 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725176946 7 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm
16001-028 16001 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725177512 28 pieces 55 x 45 x 2 cm

16006 LIGASANO grün unsteril

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111725178175 1 piece 190 x 90 x 2 cm
16210-002 16210 LIGASANO grün unsteril 111725181225 2 pieces 49 x 49 x 9/1 cm


LIGASANO® roll dispenser box

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size
16110-001 16110 LIGASANO grün unsteril LIGASANO Roll Spenderbox 111725180659 1 piece 200 x 11 x 1 cm


LIGASANO® orange non-sterile

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

36120 LIGASANO orange unsteril Positionierwürfel

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4031463361205 4 pieces of positioning cubes 12 x 12 x 12 cm

36121 LIGASANO orange unsteril Positionierwürfel

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4031463361212 2 pieces of positioning cubes 24 x 12 x 12 cm


LIGASANO® Omega-pad / Trapezoid-cushion

Art.-­Nr. Image UDI-DI Ship­ping unit Size

Omega Polster

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1 piece LIGASANO® orange omega pad,
5-fold adjustable

5 pieces LIGASANO® white Skin contact pads


trapezoid cushion dressing


1 piece of LIGASANO® orange non-sterile trapezoid cushion dressing,
adjustable in height and head circumference

5 pieces LIGASANO® white Skin contact pads
