All entries at a glance
- Allergies
- How strong is the exudate absorption of LIGASANO® white?
- AZO colours
- Chronic wounds
- Dosage forms
- Pressure tension
- Blood flow stimulation
- Nutrition
- Exudate absorption
- Exudate management
- Moist wound care
- Fistulas
- Fixation
- Gel and LIGASANO®
- Shelf life of LIGASANO®
- History of LIGAMED®, LIGASANO® weiß, LIGASANO® grün
- Contraindications
- Costs
- Storage, conditions
- Latex
- LIGASANO® white
- LIGASANO® green
- Air permeability
- Mechanical stimulus
- Modern wound care
- MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Polyurethane
- PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
- Ointments, resistance of LIGASANO®
- Ointments, solutions, medications: Interactions with LIGASANO
- Ointments, change of effect of LIGASANO®
- Absorbency
- Foams
- Foams as wound dressings
- Sweating on LIGASANO®
- Deep wounds with narrow entrance
- Ulcus cruris
- Dressing changes
- Sticking to the wound
- Prescribability of LIGASANO®
- Water vapour permeability
- Plasticizers
- Wound healing disorders
- Wound management
- Wound cleaning
- Wound calm - Wound disturbance due to change of supply
Wound healing disorders
Wound healing disorders hinder wound healing and are the cause of chronic wounds.
Typical and frequent wound healing disorders are circulatory deficiency, malnutrition, metabolic disorders, sepsis and additional inflammation.
Another not uncommon wound healing disorder is mistreatment. In fact, it is relatively easy to prevent a wound from healing by incorrect treatment.
See also "Relaxation of wounds - wound disorders due to change of supply".