All entries at a glance
- Allergies
- How strong is the exudate absorption of LIGASANO® white?
- AZO colours
- Chronic wounds
- Dosage forms
- Pressure tension
- Blood flow stimulation
- Nutrition
- Exudate absorption
- Exudate management
- Moist wound care
- Fistulas
- Fixation
- Gel and LIGASANO®
- Shelf life of LIGASANO®
- History of LIGAMED®, LIGASANO® weiß, LIGASANO® grün
- Contraindications
- Costs
- Storage, conditions
- Latex
- LIGASANO® white
- LIGASANO® green
- Air permeability
- Mechanical stimulus
- Modern wound care
- MRSA - Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- Polyurethane
- PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
- Ointments, resistance of LIGASANO®
- Ointments, solutions, medications: Interactions with LIGASANO
- Ointments, change of effect of LIGASANO®
- Absorbency
- Foams
- Foams as wound dressings
- Sweating on LIGASANO®
- Deep wounds with narrow entrance
- Ulcus cruris
- Dressing changes
- Sticking to the wound
- Prescribability of LIGASANO®
- Water vapour permeability
- Plasticizers
- Wound healing disorders
- Wound management
- Wound cleaning
- Wound calm - Wound disturbance due to change of supply
Dressing changes
In the wound cleaning phase, the wound usually moists heavily - and it should! The exudate flow cleans the wound from the depth through the pores of the wound bed, even dry necroses are dissolved and washed out.
- In the wound cleansing phase, the LIGASANO® dressing must always be changed at the latest when exudate becomes visible on the outside. On average twice a day, but can vary greatly from person to person.
- The cleaner the wound, the less it will moist. Now it no longer has to clean itself, but only keep clean. Change of dressing 1x daily to 1x every 2-3 days.
(Our recommendation is 1x daily. This ensures that granulation tissue cannot grow into LIGASANO®).
See also "Relaxation of wounds - Wound disturbance due to change of supply