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Where there is direct skin-to-skin contact, e.g. in skin folds or where air cannot reach the skin for other reasons, sweat cannot evaporate and the skin softens (maceration).
In this warm and humid environment, bacteria and fungi can multiply excellently, the skin eventually becomes sore and an intertrigo is formed. Intertrigo is often found in obese or heavily sweating persons. If the clothing rubs against the skin or traps moisture, this is a risk factor.
In the warm summer months an intertrigo can also occur in healthy people.
Caution: The intertrigo is often confused with a decubitus, especially in the gluteal area!
In the following we will show you some suggestions for contracture and intertrigoprophylaxis. Not only as prevention, but also as a therapeutic accompaniment for fungal treatments in combination with an antimycotic or as therapy itself, if the skin is only irritated or slightly inflamed.
• 1 plate LIGASANO® white 59 x 49 x 2 or 1 cm
• 1 bandage made of LIGASANO® white 300 x 5 x 0.3 cm or 300 x 10 x 0.3 cm
Patient data + medical history:
13-year-old patient with brainstem tumor; condition after respiratory failure and resuscitation; necessity of permanent invasive ventilation, tracheostoma system; missing cough reflex; diaphragmatic paresis on the right side; incomplete tetraplegia. Condition after chemotherapy and skull/brain stem radiation.
Wound therapy from 05.07.2019:
Abdominal wrinkle and groin intertrigo are cleaned with the wound irrigation solution Prontosan, as wet phase compresses are used, application time 15 minutes. Then dry phase with sterile compress for five minutes. Cover the intertrigo wound with sterile LIGASANO® mini-bandage (Art. No. 15378-030, PZN 11588835), then as a secondary bandage a 5 cm wide strip of LIGASANO® white underneath, fix it at the end. (Cave: allergy to the plaster). Daily dressing change, suspected mycosis.
As pressure protection, it was recommended to position the patient urgently on LIGASANO® green.
Wound therapy from 16.07.2019:
Abdominal wrinkle and groin intertrigo are cleaned with the wound irrigation solution Prontosan, compresses are used as wet phase, application time 15 minutes. Then dry phase with sterile compress for five minutes. Cover the intertrigo wound with sterile LIGASANO® mini-bandage (Art. No. 15378-030, PZN 11588835), then as a secondary bandage a strip of the sublingual bandage LIGASANO® white (Art. No. 15573-006, PZN 02019386), fix it at the end. (Cave: allergy to the plaster). Daily dressing change.
Petra Homer, ZWM Wound Manager, Sanitätshaus Rattenhuber GmbH, 85356 Freising
Triumph nursing service, 81673 Munich