LIGASANO® in veterinary medicine

LIGASANO® is excellently suited for the treatment of all stages of the wound and the prevention of horses, cattle, sheep, cats, dogs and wild animals.
The rapidly falling pressure-tension of LIGASANO® white reduces the pressure on the wound, promotes granulation and additionally reduces the counter-pressure on the new generated granulation.
The mechanical stimulus (that means the structure of the dressing is sensed by the tissue) promotes the local blood flow and thus activates self-cleaning.
Because only surplus exudate is absorbed (controlled suction effect, exudate management), LIGASANO® white does not dry out the wound. Depending on its thickness, an intermittent under-pressure is generated.
Areas of application in veterinary medicine are, for example:
- Prevention of the formation of wild meat in lower leg injuries of horses
- Treatment of ankle bone injuries
- Dirty wounds
- Ankle and ankle injuries
- Abscesses
- Injuries of the secondary or frontal sinuses
- Burns
- Bite wounds
- Cuts

Application for different wound types
Skin-deep wound (up to a depth of 0.5 cm)

Deep wound

Undermined deep wound

Deep wound with narrow opening / fistulae

Case report 1 - Wound treatment at cats with LIGASANO® white
9-year-old female cat, was hit by a car, double hip fracture with open wound. After surgery the wound was treated with LIGASANO®.
Daily wound cleaning with non-sterile curd soap solution while awake, LIGASANO® Roll white non-sterile 0.6 cm as wound dressing, suit for fixation. The dressing was changed daily and antibiotics were administered at the same time.
Wound closure after a total of only 10 days. In the places where LIGASANO® was applied in white, hair grew back.

Author: Sabrina Bachmeier, veterinary assistant, practice Dr. med. vet. Sibylle Hofmann, Landshut
Case report 2 - Wound treatment of injured cow with LIGASANO® white
Injury on 08.04.2017. Prognosis actually infaust. But the cow could not be slaughtered because it had been dried antibiotically two days before. She therefore had to wait and only the euthanasia would have remained.
Contrary to all doubts and daily dressing changes at the beginning, we were able to notice an incipient granulation at the wound edges after about 10 days. Thus we had the hope that we could get the cow at least up to the calving. But over time the progress with LIGASANO® became so spectacular that a complete recovery seemed possible. After about two weeks the dressing only had to be changed every other day, the wound became smaller and smaller and the exposed bone grew slowly.
On 31.05.2017 was again date to bandage. On this day (and this was the only day since the beginning of the treatment) the cow did not want to eat. Unfortunately she had a twisted uterus at that time and it was questionable if we could solve this problem. But the twisting could be reduced manually and she gave birth to a healthy calf.
Since mid-July the bone has been completely covered with healthy muscle tissue and the skin seems to grow back. So we assume that a complete healing will take place by the end of the year. It should also be said that the animal was under pain treatment the whole time to avoid unnecessary suffering.

Author: Dr. med. vet. Torsten Brehm, Schrozberg
Case report 3 - Treatment of dermatitis with LIGASANO® white
Patient data and anamnesis:
The alpaca mare "Edelweiß" has been suffering from a stationary patella luxation of the left hind extremity since birth. Due to the fixation of the kneecap on the medial side of the knee, the knee is constantly flexed and the entire limb is relatively shortened. Therefore, in addition to motor impairment, permanent soiling of the coat with faeces and urine is also a problem.
Due to the contamination of the coat with excrement, bacterial colonisation of the skin and a large area of purulent dermatitis in the area of the ankle joint occurred consecutively. It showed up a thick purulent bedding on skin and fur. Underneath there was an extensive massive inflammation of the skin and an excoriation above the heel bone tuberosity.
The wound was debrided under general anesthesia in the form of shaving, wound irrigation with Veriforte Med® wound irrigation solution and curettage of the purulent changes. Vulketan® gel was applied to the skin surface and a LIGASANO® white non-sterile wound dressing was selected as the wound dressing. This was fixed with Rolta® cotton pad and Peha Haft®. The 1cm thick LIGASANO® was also chosen to achieve the best possible upholstery. In order to prevent further soiling of the dressing, it was protected with a plastic film.
As a result, the dressing was changed daily, with the wound areas being wetted with Vulketan® gel and covered with LIGASANO®, as in primary care. In the course of healing, the dressing was changed on average every 3rd day and the LIGASANO® coverage of the wound areas was reduced with increasing healing. With increasing epithelialization of the skin, Vulketan® Gel was not applied and the miracle oak was only covered with LIGASANO®, which was fixed with Rolta® cotton wool roll and Peha Haft® as before.
In the course of 4 weeks, the skin was completely epithelialized and the hair regrown, providing physiological protection for the skin again.

Out of love for the animals and out of joy for the product, the Biohof in Tyrol distinguishes itself by giving a home to animals whose growth from birth does not correspond to an optimal breeding animal. Edelweiss has a wonderful wool, is a loving animal and is fully integrated into the group.
Authors: Animal outpatient clinic Zirl, Dr. Stefan Ferschl, MSc, veterinary specialist for small animals; Tiroler Bio-Alpakas Seefeld, family Haslwanter-Egger